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Characteristic EEG changes in sporadic CJD are periodic bi- and triphasic waves (periodic sharp wave complexes, PSWCs).

EEG criteria used in the diagnosis of CJD

  • Periodc "sharp-wave" complexes (PSWCs)
  • Periodicity (most important criterion)
  • Frequency 0.5-2/sec
  • Duration between 100 und 600 msec
  • Amplitude higher than 150 μV-300 μV
  • Generalized activity, with a maximum over the frontal region, partly also lateralized
  • Sometimes followed by burst suppression"

EEG changes in sproradic CJD

40 days after disease onset

40 days after disease onset

80 days after disease onset

80 days after disease onset

110 days after disease onset

110 days after disease onset.

160 days after disease onset

160 days after disease onset